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A complete guide to the twenty-four solar terms

A complete guide to the twenty-four solar terms
A complete guide to the twenty-four solar terms

The twenty-four solar terms are a time division system established by the ancient agricultural society in China based on the movement of the sun, used to guide agricultural production and daily life. This system not only reflects changes in the natural world but also contains rich cultural significance. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the origin, meaning, and modern applications of the twenty-four solar terms.

**Origin of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms**

**Historical Background**

The twenty-four solar terms originated in ancient China, dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Ancient people divided the year into twenty-four solar terms based on the sun's position in the ecliptic, with each solar term lasting approximately 15 days. This system was first fully documented in the "Huainanzi · Treatise on Astronomy."

**Names of the Solar Terms**

The names of the twenty-four solar terms are mostly related to natural phenomena and agricultural activities, reflecting the observations and understanding of the natural world by ancient people. Below are the names of the twenty-four solar terms and their meanings:

1. **Beginning of Spring (立春)**: The start of spring, when all things revive.

2. **Rain Water (雨水)**: Increased rainfall, soil begins to thaw.

3. **Waking of Insects (驚蟄)**: The first thunder of spring, insects start to become active.

4. **Spring Equinox (春分)**: Day and night are of equal length, mid-spring.

5. **Pure Brightness (清明)**: Clear weather, suitable for tomb-sweeping and ancestor worship.

6. **Grain Rain (穀雨)**: Increased rainfall, beneficial for grain growth.

7. **Beginning of Summer (立夏)**: The start of summer, temperatures rise.

8. **Grain Full (小滿)**: Grains start to plump but are not yet ripe.

9. **Grain in Ear (芒種)**: Suitable for sowing grains with awns.

10. **Summer Solstice (夏至)**: Longest daylight of the year, mid-summer.

11. **Slight Heat (小暑)**: Weather starts to get hot.

12. **Great Heat (大暑)**: Hottest period of the year.

13. **Beginning of Autumn (立秋)**: The start of autumn, temperatures gradually decrease.

14. **End of Heat (處暑)**: Heat gradually recedes.

15. **White Dew (白露)**: Dew appears in the morning, weather turns cool.

16. **Autumn Equinox (秋分)**: Day and night are of equal length, mid-autumn.

17. **Cold Dew (寒露)**: Noticeable temperature drop, more dew.

18. **Frost's Descent (霜降)**: Frost starts to appear.

19. **Beginning of Winter (立冬)**: The start of winter, temperature sharply drops.

20. **Light Snow (小雪)**: Light snowfall begins, not heavy.

21. **Heavy Snow (大雪)**: Increased snowfall, temperatures further drop.

22. **Winter Solstice (冬至)**: Shortest daylight of the year, mid-winter.

23. **Slight Cold (小寒)**: Cold weather, but not the coldest.

24. **Great Cold (大寒)**: Coldest period of the year.

**The Meaning of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms**

**Agricultural Guidance**

The twenty-four solar terms were an important guidance tool for ancient farmers, helping them to arrange agricultural activities reasonably. For example, spring plowing, summer planting, autumn harvest, winter storage, and other agricultural activities are closely related to the solar terms.

**Life Guidance**

The twenty-four solar terms also have important guidance significance for people's daily lives. According to the solar terms, ancient people adjusted their diet and daily routines to maintain good health. For instance, in the cold winter, people would nourish themselves to strengthen their bodies; in the hot summer, they would pay attention to preventing heatstroke and keeping cool.

**Cultural Inheritance**

The twenty-four solar terms contain rich cultural connotations and have become an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Many solar terms are related to traditional festivals and folk activities, such as tomb-sweeping on Qingming Festival and dragon boat racing on Duanwu Festival.

**Modern Applications**

**Agricultural Applications**

Although modern agricultural technology is developing rapidly, the twenty-four solar terms are still an important basis for guiding agricultural production. Many farmers still arrange sowing, fertilizing, harvesting, and other agricultural activities based on the solar terms.

**Health and Wellness**

Modern people are paying more attention to health and wellness, and the twenty-four solar terms also have important guidance significance in this regard. For example, adjusting diet and daily routines according to the solar terms can help better adapt to seasonal changes and maintain good health. Here are some specific suggestions:

- **立春 (Beginning of Spring)**: Eat more vegetables and fruits to boost immunity.

- **夏至 (Summer Solstice)**: Pay attention to cooling down, drink more water, and avoid heatstroke.

- **秋分 (Autumn Equinox)**: Proper nourishment to strengthen the body and prevent dryness in autumn.

- **冬至 (Winter Solstice)**: Engage in appropriate exercises to keep the body warm.

**Festival Celebrations**

Some of the solar terms are closely related to traditional festivals, becoming important celebrations for modern people. For example:

- **清明節 (Qingming Festival)**: Tomb-sweeping to honor ancestors.

- **端午節 (Dragon Boat Festival)**: Dragon boat racing and eating sticky rice dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan.

- **冬至 (Winter Solstice)**: Eating dumplings and tangyuan to enhance the atmosphere of family reunion.

**Cultural Inheritance**

As an important part of Chinese traditional culture, the twenty-four solar terms are passed down and promoted by modern people in various ways. For example, schools offer relevant courses to educate students about the knowledge of the twenty-four solar terms, and communities organize cultural activities related to the solar terms to enhance people's understanding and love for traditional culture.

Detailed Introduction of the 24 Solar Terms

Spring Solar Terms

Start of Spring (立春)

  • Date: February 3rd-5th

  • Characteristics: Beginning of spring, all things revive, and temperatures rise.

  • Agricultural Activities: Start spring plowing, sow early spring crops.

Rain Water (雨水)

  • Date: February 18th-20th

  • Characteristics: More rainfall, soil begins to thaw.

  • Agricultural Activities: Timely sowing, proper field management.

Insects Awaken (驚蟄)

  • Date: March 5th-7th

  • Characteristics: Spring thunder begins, insects become active.

  • Agricultural Activities: Strengthen field management, prevent and control pests.


1. How are the 24 Solar Terms divided?

The 24 Solar Terms are based on the sun's position along the ecliptic and each term lasts approximately 15 days. This system reflects the sun's movement throughout the year, aiding ancient people in organizing agricultural activities and daily life.

2. What significance do the 24 Solar Terms have for modern agriculture?

Despite rapid advancements in modern agricultural technology, the 24 Solar Terms remain an important guide for agricultural production. Farmers still schedule planting, fertilizing, harvesting, and other activities based on these terms to ensure healthy crop growth and good harvests.

3. How can one maintain health according to the 24 Solar Terms?

Adjusting diet and daily routines according to the 24 Solar Terms can help individuals better adapt to seasonal changes and maintain good health. For instance, in cold winters, people may focus on nourishing their bodies, while in hot summers, they pay attention to preventing heatstroke and staying cool.

4. What is the connection between the 24 Solar Terms and traditional festivals?

Some of the 24 solar terms are closely related to traditional festivals and have become important holidays celebrated by modern people. For example:

- **Qingming Festival**: Associated with the Qingming solar term, on this day people sweep tombs and pay respects to their ancestors.

- **Dragon Boat Festival**: Although not directly related to a solar term, usually around the Grain in Ear term, people participate in dragon boat races, eat zongzi, and commemorate Qu Yuan.

- **Winter Solstice**: This day marks the shortest daylight in the Northern Hemisphere. Many regions have customs like eating dumplings and tangyuan to enhance the atmosphere of family reunion.

6. How does modern society inherit and promote the culture of the 24 solar terms?

Modern society propagates and promotes the culture of the 24 solar terms in various ways. For example:

- **Education**: Schools offer relevant courses to educate students about the knowledge of the 24 solar terms.

- **Cultural Activities**: Communities organize cultural events related to the solar terms to enhance people's understanding and appreciation of traditional culture.

- **Media Promotion**: Utilizing TV, the internet, and other media to promote knowledge and cultural significance of the 24 solar terms.


The 24 solar terms, as a crystallization of ancient Chinese wisdom, have played a significant role not only in agricultural production but also have profound effects on people's daily lives and cultural heritage. Modern society should continue to inherit and promote this valuable cultural heritage, enabling more people to understand and benefit from the wisdom of the 24 solar terms.

We hope this article helps you better understand the origin, significance, and application of the 24 solar terms in modern life. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.


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